To keep school campus and its surroundings clean .Also spread the message of cleanliness to neighbouring villages. Educate children regarding importance of health and hygiene & cleanliness.
Same must percolate to their learning environment by ensuring that they keep their study material properly and be organised and systematic in studies. This will be completed in 2 years (2019) and next three years (2022) will be devoted so that habit of cleanliness is deeply engraved in their mind and becomes a habit of children & system of school functioning.
Approach to Achieve the Objectives of Mission to the fullest.
Children will not litter the school play ground and class rooms with papers and waste material.
Toilets and bathrooms will be kept spick & span by associating children in this regard. Special classes will be held to educate and develop skills among students to do minor repair work of toilets accessories such as tap, commode, cistern etc.
Taps are turned off after use of water Mission “ Save Water”.
Fans and lights be switched off when not in use. To “ Save energy” and also generate energy from conventional sources.
Educate children not to have destructive attitude & approach to damage school property.
Take out rallies in neighbouring villages regarding importance of cleanliness.
School will adapt one of the neighbouring village and ensure its cleanliness by utilising the services of students.
Special classes will be held to educate children regarding the importance of eco balance and SAFAI ABHIYAAN of cleaning Ganga, Yamuna and other rivers of the states. Some local guest speakers will be invited to speak on the subject.
Students will wear neat and clean uniform as prescribed by the school.
Special attention towards Neat Hand-Writing. Systematic way of writing letters, Essay, Notes, Question & Answers etc.
All academic oriented competition will be based on cleanliness and its related subjects.
Equip children with vocabulary related to health & hygiene, cleanliness, eco-system, recycling waste material including garden waste etc.
Confidence will be developed in children to educate and spread message of cleanliness to their friend and areas they belong to.